First and foremost I would like to apologize for the first ever deleting of a post. I felt that I swore to much and put Joe down in a harsh manner just to prove once again to someone that I am not a horrible disgusting excuse for a human being. I deleted it around 7 am this morning and am sorry to anyone who thought they lost their mind when they didn't see it there this morning.
Second This is my blog I can write in it 5 mins after someone or something has made me angry or 7 hrs..thats no ones concern. Thats not fair to me. A lot of people get right on their blogs the minute something happens or a few minutes after something happened that infuriated them. I follow many blogs and a lot of the ones are like that. And last night it was about an hr before I posted but I had to let it out. I met it to be in a mature way,realizing now that caps were on at certain times lol,again sorry I was also dealing with a 2 yr old. So again that post wasn't quite right and I felt it should be deleted,no ones actions or thoughts were brought to my attention,I was the only person that I know of that had an issue with it.
Third my blog is my diary. I have carpel tunnel in my right wrist and typing is a bit easier then writing so I have turned to blogging. My blog is open to everyone. I only told my mother who is in her 60's lol that there were sexual comments and rants and that she might not want to read it and she understood because it after-all is my blog. Its no one else's...Its mine. Feel free to create your own. As you can clearly see I don't use this to bash people,I use it to get out emotion and also share some recipes with others,I hope to post about how I save money and work on a one income house. I want this to be a positive place but I also want people to read and read it carefully so they never take anything to heart or too personally. Also if I am angry,things will be said in anger. But like a normal adult I will realize my mistakes and come back and apologize. Which I apologize now for calling Joe an A-hole. Although he has many issues he has never been anything shy of protective of me,that does not make him an A-hole. I would like to say once again that I really don't need anyones apology. I am not worried about tomorrow in any way because thats not me,I will not ruin a day. I realize that me just being there will ruin a bit of it but my kids will be enough distraction if certain people decide to come,I have not been told. I feel what is said between other parties should remain so I'm not asking questions I am just waiting and seeing.
Probably will go in Joes car...Oy! My truck is still down,Joe claims all it needs now is an oil change because the dope left everything uncovered the last time it rained so theres water in the oil which is a no-no. I am nervous that there is still something wrong with it. We will see.
I am literally starving myself so I can be super hungry for moms delicious Thanksgiving and pies! The woman made 6! Shes awesome!
It was cute last night Joe brought me home Mcdonalds at 1:30 am..and he knew that I hadnt eaten all night. That was yummy.
Another thing floating in my head, My vacuum and cone went on me at the end of last week and Stefano insists on putting holes in the wall near his crib well the dry wall is getting into the heater and I'm nervous it will start a fire or something. I just don't know how to get it out without a vacuum and buying one is not going to happen for awhile unless Joe gets this bonus they are talking about.
Joes dad is coming up Saturday. So I am indulging in Joes 5 day vacation. Just need to get this place in better shape then it is now before he comes. The kids have been really bad lately with getting into things that make a mess instead of things that are simple and easy to say no too. They are getting too sneaky these days lol.
I ordered somethings off of wal-mart a few days ago and it looks like it will be here Friday unless they don't do mail on that day. lol. I am super excited to be adding to my lingerie collection. I know TMI but its my blog,haha.
Want to get in a few shots tonight for 365. Hoping winter will provide some more awesome pretty shots,right now its kinda blah..or I am losing my motivation and touch...oy! Ah well,only time will tell.
I am not signing off. I am wishing everyone safe travels. Lots of food.Lots of love.Lots of pictures. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! (My fav holiday!)
Here are some pics to show I am in fine spirits and everything I do; I do because I want too not because of anyone else. And I am proud of that. =)
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