Monday, November 8, 2010


Nothing to really talk about...shocking!
Did some shopping on Sat and Sunday. Clothes shopping. Trying something new with Stefano,he gets into so much I'm trying a few different toys where he has to sit down and play with them. Sunday I got him 7-8 plastic(medium sized) animals. So far so good!

My truck is still down to a part that broke that no one seems to have. Its one of those odd parts that kinda break easily on old vehicles because of all the years. Auto mall has it(car dealership like place) but it will take 2 weeks to get in. So last place is a junkyard! Joes at one right now.

M is still being a real witch. Hows that saying go "Blood is thicker then water" Your friends come and go but family is forever. Saddening. Does not bother me because I'm not an emotional person nor do I TRY with people who don't give a damn. =)

No snow here. Not even really a flurry. Its 40 out right now and suppose to warm up. I remember having snow on my birthday (Oct 25th). Maybe it won't be a long winter. I just want lots of snowy days. =) Winter is so fun.

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I am so EXCITED! Pictures galore that day of everyone. Trying to afford outfits for the kiddos.

Speaking of kiddos,they both didn't have a swell night last-night. Yikes! And they were doing so well. CIO is really the only option as nothing is wrong,I don't even feel like its a night terror or nightmare thing either.

I learned about some healthy-green products for my hair today from some of my friends. Very excited to look into it. Funny how over time I have realized so much about chemicals and saving. I re use everything I can. I try to get the green products for cleaning. I recycle. I garden. =) I'm trying. I will get better as I learn more.

I have a couple of recipes I want to share. I need to catch up on here badly. Just nothing exciting is going on.

There will be a post of how I save money as about 4 of you asked how I manage everything. Some of you are people who saw how stocked our two freezers were and asked. =) Promise to be more on the ball with this blog. Sorry for the MIA,just not having my truck has thrown us all of. Outcome though is Joe took his car off the market and I think thats good. That car is met to be a Arbore's car.

It was funny,my mom went shopping with me this weekend so I told her today what clothes I bought I was wearing and she just laughed and said "I can't imagine wearing that type of clothing at home" I knew what she met,she never dresses up while at home and what I am wearing is dressing up to her when to me its just a regular outfit. Not sure where my girly side came from as she is not girly well she is sorta but not fully. My Aunt is really feminine and elegant,might be from her.=) All it is,is jeans and a pink sweater. lol She goes "I want a t-shirt and my dirtiest jeans not my newest jeans on at home" Ah the difference between mother and daughter.

Gotta share somethings I have noticed over time-Or recently. hehe
 I sit cocked eyed at my desk I am never sitting up straight or straight on with my monitor.
Kids at 1&2 do not understand to keep the water in the tub.
Phone calls will come in during nap time but no other time of the day. =p
You have clothes that fit and clothes that FIT..the difference? How your butt and boobs look in them.
Telling the truth about someone is not airing dirty laundry.
A fun chaos is better then a chaotic chaos.
A guys version of helping is sorta the same of a 2yr olds version of helping.

Haha I'm off to tackle a few more things before nap time is over. Still no Joe and he has been gone for 3hrs or more...not sure if thats good or bad. =/
WAIT!  A few pictures for you! =)

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