Friday, March 18, 2011

7 yrs bad luck???

Oh where to begin.
Oh right lets start with the huge fight with Joe that almost made me completely walk away from something that could be potentially the best thing to ever happen to me...of course it partly is because of my kiddos who are doing awesome with the sleeping at night thing again. Yay! I don't feel like going into details.
Anyway then I broke a mirror which means 7yrs bad luck and I swear its looks like my wrist is 20lbs more then my other as its so swollen. It hurts so much,all because I picked up a box that was too heavy to handle with just one hand. Dumb moment. I then proceeded to try to take pics and forgot my lovely son broke my tripod...I then wanted to take in my new best friends,yes new,we have grown quite close. She has a lot in common with me and its nice since a lot of people are either too nice for me...too stuck up for me...too rich for me...too something haha I am a very low key love to make people laugh animal loving cleaning there for you when you need it friend and she is too. Very best friends rabbit in because as we know once its here it will get treated like a prince lol just a love I have for animals and I don't really get stress about how much I have to do or anything so I can take on a few more chores and cages to clean BUT we need to buy the materials for a bigger outside shed for him as I believe fresh air is what makes rabbits live so much longer,I even have plans for a rabbit run,its going to be so cute,its just finding the money. As many of you know the tax money has gone to all its proper locations so theres not much of it left and what is,is for savings and stuff for the kiddos. If I can find the money and get it build welcome Sweetpea till then I told her to ask other people or what not.
On top of all that I am looking for the perfect dog...thats free and not from a breeder...thats easier said then done. oy!
I think finally my dumb second period is goodness! It better be or I am becoming a male lol.
There is the Maple fest tomorrow in Whitingham,probably will try and get there!
 Still lots of things I need for the kiddos party. I have a website I can try for Wonder pets as thats what the theme is.
The weather was gorgeous yesterday. I just love the sounds of kids playing and windows open. Of course around here no kids play outside but I heard stories of other kids playing outside and I just imagined the sounds lol. 5-6 mos and we can apply for a loan for a house. I am very excited. As long as Joe steps up and stops his lazyness. He really needs to comprehend,men and woman do more then he does in a day and don't complain or do it and just learn to get use to it. He need to realize getting stressed about every little thing is beyond embarrassing and stupid. He didn't use to act like that. He took life with a grain of salt. His heart is bigger when he is not acting like a D8ck.
Ah well life goes on.  I just wish I had more perogiess to go along with it hahahaha.
Frosty is feeling a lot better.The vet said there was no sign of a flea ever even being on him,that made me feel good. Now to get the cats their flea treatments!
Ah lets see that seems to about cover things. I now I am forgetting some but my wrist just hurts. So calling it a blog. Ending with some photos!

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