I don't get offended easily but I do get annoyed when someone treats me like another person or differently for no reason. Lets go back too last sunday...I somehow got an evil eye and told that why this person bought the item they bought was because their child needed it...with a tone that was told to me...wait I don't care its your money,not mine. She treated me once again like a bitch,or like my mom who tends to not like when people buy stuff. I DON'T CARE. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO EXPLAIN YOURSELF TO ME! I felt very disrespected because she always does this,then she will go back to her stupid friends and say that I was nagging and acting like she shouldn't have bought a expensive item...again I am not like you,my mom or anyone else I don't judge. I might think what you do makes no sense but thats your problem not mine. But in this case it made perfect sense so there was not a doubt in my mind,I was happy for them. I was ticked that my idea went out the window. Now I will be the bad aunt because for the second time ONLY I will miss her childs birthday party because she couldn't figure out a date! And instead of realizing I have a life and 45mins to drive! I need to know a few weeks ahead of time. I need to budget presents,gas...so on. BUT noooo it will be my fault. I will be once again the bad sister. Fantastic. I live my life to piss you off. Really? Ugh! So disappointing. Why do I even try to be nice? I tried talking first,I tried telling her,her family comes first...but to only be shot down and feel like I was burdening her. Ah well some people just never get it.
And whats with people assuming you can just afford something when its not working,or not working right or something. There is real poverty. You can not just fix a leak,or a hole in the wall or a smell in your basement. Its not that easy as going oh wow our roof is leaking..we need another one-Here's $10,000 for a new one. Normal low income people can not do that,even some middle class can not just shell out money or anything. Its not always workable. Its not always easy. Its not just about picking up a phone or a credit card,you need to be able to pay the payments. We don't even have credit cards.
I am way over my marriage. Its just boring now. He is no fun. I am always just constantly doubting him and thinking hes lying which most the time he is. The day has come that we need to go our separate ways. It will take a lot of healing and time to ever fix what has been done.
Got Frosty neutered today. $55 for 4 shots and the procedure. Not bad! We were in and out in 20 mins. I strongly believe in spaying and neutering!
Enough. The kids are on their third day of not napping. My period is here for the second time with only a 3 day gap in between. NOT cool!
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