People choose favorites right out of the gate.
Lets start with that, No matter what it seems like I am making someone angry,needing to defend myself or people think I know nothing.
Yet theres others out there doing MUCH worse then me and nothing gets said. There was a WTE lady who posted pics of a dog that was WAY to skinny. I could count the poor things ribs, not one person said a damn thing. I simply want a dog to help my son and I am the bad person? I feel like I am being scolded for nothing. A lecture on a topic I know more about then average...Yes happens all the time. People simply watch to much tv,if you have more then one pet your a hoarder now. If you have depression your a wimp,if your sick you HAVE to run to the dr, if you have to many kids your selfish or a whore....Its insane.
I am none of these things. 5 Cats are what I can take care of and I am happy with ever decision. They are healthy, No fleas,never had fleas,ALL are spayed and neutered and fed fine. My rabbit is getting a run for goodness sakes. My kids have well over $300 a piece invested into their b-days just to have more then likely no one show up. I handle drama because of how I have managed my thinking all these years, I stand up for what I believe,I will stop at nothing for my kids and I am one of a few who can say my kids don't stress me out. I don't do date nights. I don't do girly days out. My husband works because he couldn't sit around he would go crazy,I don't. I can stay in the house for weeks if I HAD too.
I budget,coupon cut, free cycle,tag sale,rummage sale and seek sales. I have a hair dresser I go to,NO salon or fancy fancy. I get no assistance except about a $100 in food-stamps. My parents get more lol. We pay bills. We don't get stress about bills. We manage. We will help anyone who needs it. We love our neighbors. We love our town. We love what we own. We are not jealous types. I love going to someone's house and seeing neat gadgets and how big it is or what not. I have few friends but the ones I do always said "I would never want her on anyone else's side but mine" Just like a football game and the team has the best quarterback around and you are proud he is on your side.
I am organized,clean,green friendly,kid loving,animal loving,short,no tattoos,dyed hair,photo taking, easy going,knowledge,news watching 23 yr old.
I have never fell behind on laundry, never lost a sock in my life, I know how to actually train cats, I don't have a washing machine yet there is never a stack of dishes unless right after a meal of course, when sick I don't lose my strength to be a good mother,spouse or person, I have dreams, I like volunteering and donating to good causes, I own a trac-fone no black berry or such, NO one in this home owns a kindle,ipad,iphone or any of that technology crap. No ipods. My kids do not watch tv except Stefano and his love for the food network channel.
Stuff that I am proud of but don't judge. Never clean your home for me, dress the way you want, don't worry about your hair around me, ask me if you need ANYTHING! You need a place for your animal until things look up or need help getting it to behave,ask. You need support guidance advice... ask.
I have a past like no other, not as bad as some but not as good and well maintained as others.
I use to cut,Does not make me a wimp. What makes me strong is the stopping the minute I was preggo with my oldest. Its hard to change your mind set on a dime and I do it time and time again.
I only curse when absolutely pissed. I wish I was closer to my family, it upsets me that one person I love and adore bad mouths me and thinks I am the worst ___ in the world. My kids get nothing microwaved unless its a steam fresh meal or healthy leftovers. Snacks are veggies,cheese or fruit. Do I care what you do? No. As long as you are not a devil. Make sure I never find out your an abuser of any type,Make sure I never find out you spend money on drugs instead of food for your family....all that type of bad things-I care about. Otherwise I'm not judging you. You feed your kids chicken nuggets 3 nights a week. I don't care. I will never think less of you because of what I do or what I do is different. Everyone is different. Everyone had a different up bringing. A different out look on things.
My kids HAVE NEVER been around: Drinking,drugs,parties,bad influences,a babysitter(just shows you how committed to being a mother I am)-Now that does not mean I think all of you who go out and leave your kids with babysitters are bad...Not in the slightest but I as someone with no job could easily decide I am to stressed and go out and leave my kids for awhile to get away....Not how I roll. But as long as the majority of the time your with your kids and your treating them like little prizes then I am not going to judge.
I don't depend on coffee to get me going. I NEVER complain about what time my kids get up. I NEVER say anything about how annoying my kids are being or how their behavior is and how its effecting me. But if you do,then cool,I will be right there telling you to breath or even asking if you want me to help in someway. Bring over a meal or watch your kids for awhile or anything to help. I love to cook, I love being that susie homemaker. LOTS of woman use to do it. LOTS of men worked longer hrs then most men today. Worked harder. We forget about the olden days. We forget how our economy has changed and our work ethic. We forget about the farmers and the men who worked 18-24hrs outside and at work to support their 5 children and their wife stayed home,do you think anyone dared label them or judge them or tell them they are not worthy of staying at home like people do today? Noooo.
Our world was based on so much more then what it is today.
Everyone has the right to vent,Yes sometimes its hard to read or hear what they are venting about because we know it could be fixed or if they had listened they wouldn't have a reason to vent or maybe its a druggie who is angry that a drug dealer stole his/her money..either way that person needs to vent then we come in with a "what the hell" or kind words,encouragement or what ever is needed. We don't bash the person. Your not suppose to assume ones life. You should put your feet in other peoples shoes.
Theres a show on called secret millionaire and it does just that. Sometimes we think people are homeless or poor because of reasons we don't approve of. Like we are god and we approve and disapprove and that should matter. Maybe alcohol or a drug problem or something but the majority lost a job,or had a rough child hood, never had anyone or anything to fall back on. Maybe have a health issue and no one ever helped get them disability.... Theres sometimes more that meets the eye then the average hes just a scum bag.
No one around me has ever claimed my half brother but still my brother was a wimp for committing suicide. Because we all know that we don't know everything. We don't know what its like to be pushed that far. We don't realize how hard it actually is to leave the world and the life you had behind. Its not easy.
But recently something was said about a man not handling the army is a wuss not correct word but rather keep this PG. There is some people who can and some who can't we should be proud instead. Like when you walk into your job and you have an over coming of how much work you do and how much your needed and such instead of being mad that other people don't do as hard of work or don't work at all or what not you should be proud that no one can do your job the way you can. You should take pride in what you do and don't worry about anyone else. Take pride. If I could work I would and I know exactly what I would do.
I take pride in being a mother and SAHM. Thats why my house is cleaned each day,thats why I know where everything is in this house,thats why I cook and do everything because I know without me this house would not function. Could I be better,yes and I will. I like looking at flaws and fixing them.
There is so much more to say but I am dying to step outside and taking some photos and watch my kids bask in the sun while playing in mud that will get all over my house...but I will just smile in that moment and clean it up while they are sleeping soundly.
Stay tuned as I will be posting pics of every gift I got them. Can't wait for their bday!!!
Tootles and with all this said and done..much love.
You just blow my mind. Raven, You are who I want to be like. So strong and so much will power and so NOT judgmental. I need someone like you in my life. Now it really pisses me off that we do not live closer to each other.