Lets start with the topic Motherhood...*slaps forehead* My kids are like no other....no discipline works,they listen to me once out of 17 times of saying what I want them to do or what I don't want them to do. Most people tell their child no about a dozen times and as time goes they slowly get it and stop doing what ever it is that is a no no or gets them in time out...NOT my kids. They will push your buttons until your screaming loud enough for your neighbors to hear and they are looking at you like "Feel better?" My neighbors must think I am the meanest mom if they can hear me yell but I usually only get loud when it has to do with expensive things,sibling fighting and my animals. Stefano feels the need to never leave the kitten alone. Zueda feels the need to pull every cats tail,now maybe thats my fault as I bought her a wind up duck...maybe she thinks the cat will do the same thing. I know your thinking well what about tv time,you can do something then or relax then..Oh no no my dear friends..my kids don't watch tv...Thats right they both have no interest at all,now I know at 9-10yrs old I will love them to not want to watch tv but WE ALL know at that age they will be addicted,scream about family time and bluntly tell you to get out of their room. My master plan??? No tv but in the Living room! A HA already out smarting them. Okay so what about nap time. HA. Relax during nap time? Riiiight. Nap time use to be adult time..ah knock it off I met convos, tv ,eating in bed,breaking the rules as parents(eating in the bed is not allowed with the kids),getting projects done...NOW nap time is *Little feet scurrying* Joe- "Get back in your crib,Its nap time so you wont be tired" 10 mins later *Bang Bang* Joe- "Its Nap time,mommy and daddy are relaxing and you need to also" 5 mins later *Crash* Joe- "Get in your own crib Stefano John,Its nap time. Close your eyes and take some time to be calm" FINALLY nap time occurs. So small break. Bed time. Oy! They share a room so if one wakes the other does too most the time. That sucks. And Zueda is going through what I hope is a phase of waking up every once in awhile at 3am then back up at 5am for the day.
- I sat back and realized how I thought I hadn't changed my life or the things I do or even myself in general..then reality struck and I looked around...
- I am pretty sure before kids I didn't hide my xbox games or ps2 games under my bed.....
- I am pretty sure saying phrases like "The cats tail is not a toy" "You can not flush your toys" and "where is barbies head!" never came out my mouth before kids.
- I am pretty sure I had long nails and earrings in every day...I sit here with 6 fingers that have almost no nail over my fingertip and I have not worn earrings since summer...
- I am pretty sure I use to see the 11pm mark at night....now I barely see 10pm
- I am pretty sure I never got excited over toys,bath time,sales,normal colored poo or anything to do with kids in general.
- I am pretty sure the words "No" "Don't Touch" "Stop" "Leave the cat alone" "Get down" never were repeated over 1,000 times in one day.....
My dvds use to never leave the shelf but for 1 at a time...now I am constantly picking them up...It never ends. I am fine with that part. What I am not fine is the vision I had for my kids before they were born is not panning out. I wanted well behaved angels. I wanted everyone to talk about how behaved they were when we left. *sigh* Not happening. I envisioned a house...me living my dream and being a mom all at the same time...which brings me to my next topic...HOUSE HUNTING!
You read right. We are in the very early stages of house hunting. Why I say early is what we are looking for is not quite in our budget yet or is not out there yet. My dream has always been to work with animals. God sent me here for a reason and let me tell you it was not to work with humans. With my anxiety and my really foul attitude it just does not work..he sent me here for animals. Now I am not a animal hoarder or a crazy cat lady but I have always wanted to open a dog rescue and training center. I know I know your going but you don't own a dog. Oh hunni please,I know more about dogs then I know about kids lol.
Lets talk about my animals. I have 6. 5 being cats. They have not had flees in 2yrs. They are brushed and beautiful. They NEVER GO ON MY COUNTERS!!,They don't beg,they have never had worms,ear mites or anything. They are trained to go outside. And I am a strict owner,lets set an example and pray my neighbors never read this LOL I got told nicely because they were not really complaining but that my cat was on their trampoline this summer,well I freaked thinking she could put holes in it and maybe even poop on it..WELL I got to know there schedule for time at the local pool..oh goodness me they would laugh their butts off (or call the Retreat on me)if they knew this and I would literally stalk their back yard to make sure my cats were behaving. It took about 9 sprays with the water bottle,2 ripped pants(from hiding behind the trampoline) and about 5 chases before I never saw my cat on their trampoline. NOW all I have left is getting them to say off their car that is not being used but still out in their driveway...they like to sleep on it and I am afraid their claws will do damage to the paint. So in warmer weather...get your video cameras ready because my stalking butt will be outside ready to spray any cat who jumps on any car!!! I was raised to know what an animal should and should not act like. I have know since about 8 how to do basic dog training. And I want to learn more and will. So we are trying to find a house that comes with land for cheap. NOT dirt cheap we are in a good place financially right now. Not quite like everyone else where we can just go and buy or just say "sure I will buy some girl scout cookies" but we are getting there and we need a bigger place. Will I give up the land for a house,of course I am not that selfish. I want my dream fulfilled and I want it before my dad dies ALTHOUGH that won't be for many years so he can be proud. Everyone knew I would work with animals its just my nature, I get either beyond stressed or angry when I feel like I am being judged or anything and animals can't do that. Today the world needs to see the damage they are doing to animals. Foreclosures. Divorces. Panic and just drop them off. Not spaying or neutering. There needs to be more people willing to help and willing to say "Hey,I'll take in your animal no judging -no strings attached" I want to help people who almost give up their animals because they are not acting right(where the training comes in). Joe thankfully supports me a 100% that and he knows when I am the boss of something I kick a$$ and take names. I do better when I feel in control. I use to help my dad load really heavy logs and stuff and I always felt like hes counting on me,I am the only one who can lift these without taking time to split them so I am in control...and I hurdled through any physical work like it was cake. I still do and I don't have,half the muscle I use too. I am going to go look now at a site and then one that also offers places in Bennington,thats about 45 mins from me. I also know they are having a rough time with dogs and strays. I am not bring this up because thanks to show and a woman who owns over 200 pit bulls and bosses parolees around I realized I can do anything. I can do what I dream even if I am a girl. If my family ever need jobs or want to contribute. I will have a place to help them out. I will do so much by doing something I almost let go of because I thought...No..I can't anymore. I've lost myself and now I am determined to get her back and my dreams to a reality. No my dreams are not hight paying,no my dreams might not making everyone proud...my dreams may seem silly to a lot...but they are the air I breath at times.
Which brings me to my next topic: Freecycle!
We cleaned out our attic and I came to the conclusion that I won't be having any kids any time soon. That might have came when I saw Stefano throwing toys up into the attic,pulling his sisters hair or when I saw Zueda throw a tantrum for 20 mins straight or maybe even when I think about the nights I have had with them and not sleeping. Either way the chose is made. Sooo I put a lot on free cycle. I could have made maybe a few bucks but why waste my time and tag sales are not happening in 2 degree weather. Great site and great way to recycle.
Heres a few other random things I wanted to get out.
The shows Pit bulls and parolees,Alaska State troopers and Intervention are shows everyone should watch!!
Bare with me on my picture taking, I am not in a funk but I am in a funk when it comes to perfecting a shot...not editing no trying to make it perfect..I just snap and go these days.
Yes my house is clean even with one more cat,although its time for a new couch. And thats thanks to Joe not changing his clothes when he comes in from working outside.
I want Joe to get some legal stuff cleared up so we can go to Massachusetts more!
I am proud to say that Joe is on the second to last room that needs paint..again not because of animals but because of kids.
Stefano will be going to the drs sometime soon to see if she can refer us to a speech therapist. I can't deal much longer with everyone else's kids more advanced because they can talk.
STEELERS!!! NO PATRIOTS! Life is good. I wanna say Bears and Steelers but then again...Packers are not doing so bad. Jets do have me nervous though.
Well think thats about it. Will leave with some photos since I am so behind! =)
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