Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Ya just know

You know that one day where you didn't clean your house...the neighbors or your mother decides to stop by?
You know that one afternoon you slip into your pjs..you find out you have to go out and do something
You know that one time you leave the house with out make up and you run into your ex...or an enemy from H.S...
You know when your eye itches right after you put on your eye shadow or eyeliner??
Those moments are the ones that make me pull my hair out....

I like my house...clean, organized and respected. Bottom line. I do the same thing with your things. When I borrow something if I don't return it in 24hrs then either your being difficult or I am on my death bed. I have 5 cats and two kids do you really trust your stuff in my home? If yes,thank you as I will cherish it BUT logically just let me return it when I want too. I HATE when people have my stuff longer then 48hrs unless I KNOW they are using it. I am not b*tching about anyone I am just getting some stuff off my mind. Thought process never shuts up with me haha.
Another thing...Don't sit there and preach and then say "But you wouldn't know" or "You have no idea" HA!. I have hated the world since I was two...It started showing up on me when I was 14...think about that one. I have smoked stopped smoked stopped and currently am stopped. It has been 9am and I have downed a nice alcohol drink...I scream,I write,I fight...but I never ignore. I can tell when you have an attitude a mile away...I can tell when you have it with my husband and in that moment I didn't say anything thats how you know you just pissed me off. Silence is how you know its time to walk away. If I'm yelling at you..just keep ducking but when I'm silent you did something stupid and childish.  Someone today told Joe they had stopped smoking pot...the one thing Joe did and quit pretty much cold turkey they turn around and say "You have no idea man" he just sat back and laughed. Like everyone knows everyone and their past.

Totally had fun today physically exhausting myself...Ah knock it off,not that. We had about 10 or more bags of garbage plus recycling plus garbage cans full of bags to bring up to the end of the driveway well it was all under snow and crust and ice..I dug them out and took a bunch up. =)
Which brings me to thinking about something...My dad. He's 80 and getting picky about everything. Its so hard to help him because he will complain about it afterwards if its not done perfectly. Joe and I cleaned off the roof for him and he kept telling us "thats good enough" and I would see a spot and clear it off and he would say "Oh good good" so obviously I was seeing stuff he was not well when we went home he told mom that "Joe didn't do it as neat as he would have" He can barely walk theres no way he could have even done what Joe did. My mom says it annoys her but she won't stop his habits and show him to just be grateful...they have a hard time paying for fuel and I sympathize as my propane bill is $798.12 right now...but we will slowly pay it and take it head on-No asking for money FOR THE second time in 2 yrs my dad called the church for money....in 2-3yrs they should have figured out how to downsize so they can downsize their bills. They need a smaller house. I've said it before I'll say it again. Right now they have this crumby house up for sale...for 209!!!!!!! THOUSAND dollars....when nicer houses are going for around 189,000 or so. Only thing is its 10 acres but its not near town,dirt driveway and the house is just ridiculous. Ceiling is caving in,in the living room,roof leaks,drafty and about 20yr old windows,doors that don't shut right,walls that are cracking,no basement....Its bad. Bless their hearts for wanting to stay there but at their ages they should not struggle. They should not be this behind on bills where they are begging and embarrassing us who are watching for their one heat source....
Joe and I are too the point that we are about to say we won't help anymore...my dad is lying by telling us one thing as he watches us like a hawk do what he asks then tells my mother another thing..thats a form of lying. Hes changed so much and so has she. Its disappointing. 

Ah. Life. Night shifts,Feeling isolated...What ever happened to kids playing outside? I have 3 families around me who have kids...and I NEVER see them outside...I use to play outside for hrs when I was a kid..Forts, snowmen,sledding...etc Times have changed. My parents never sat down for hrs on a snow-day and did nothing but watch movies with me all day. I was to go out and play and have fun in the snow. Then that was followed by warm clothes and inside time then usually I was back outside before dark to get some more fun time in. AND I didn't have anyone to play with and I still made outside time fun.
My view from todays generation is so different. I don't do pacifiers,I don't do tv for my kids,I COOK everything my kids eat in this house no boxed no canned stuff,having an imagination is essential,they wont have an electronic until they are very much older,no tv in their room until at least 8,my kids DO NOT act up in a store...I don't watch teen mom or anything because I don't think they should get publicity for doing something STUPID! The new thing is getting knocked up as young as you can? Lets try to keep are hoo hoos in nice shape and our butts skinny and our freedom for longer then 16 yrs....K?  I hated HATED my belly when preggo so I just stare when I see or hear people saying they miss their belly.. YOU WHAT!? why?
Oy! Maybe I am just cranky as the night shifts seem longer...tougher...but then again if I didn't feel like I was the only one around the area it would be nice...theres no life from anyone after like 5pm around here...sucks! I just have different views. But I support everyone. Would never delete someone,stop talking to someone or anything just because of how they do things or how they think. Just really needed to type some stuff tonight. I don't want people to act like me. Goodness the world would be over lol. I just wish people had open minds and remember what life use to be with out IPads and tv..We have shows on now that are inappropriate for kids to even watch or teens to watch...What happen to Happy Days and I love lucy!
I don't have a cell phone,I don't have a lap top,no kitchen aid,no large tv's.. my furniture does not match...Which annoys me...I know people who have stuff people like me could use since they are NOT using it. WHICH brings me to how much I LOVE FREECYCLE!!!!!!!!! LOTS of my stuff has gone well all of it except a tv cart that I just put on and I have gotten a few good things and still watching for someone to post a chair I almost had one but I was not first to respond. Total bummer!
We need another chair or couch and a small freezer.
Also my mud room is done,yay! My place looks a tad bit better now so no one can say we don't keep it up..since its not really our job but we do. Now to just get a hold of the land lord to fix our drafty window problem. I like to take pride in my stuff. I will never  treat anything bad because I want to have it for yrs. I never abuse anything so that I can't save money but keeping it in good condition for a long time. I'm odd I know. haha.
I was realizing today that I just love the cold weather....I get warm really fast when I'm outside so I think thats part of it. =) Its okay I love summer too.
Well that is all for tonight theres a few more things I could rant about but I really want the next post and stuff to be positive..well actually it might be a recipe one..not sure yet.
Thanks for reading haha I am not always cranky I swear! =)

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