Survey to make up for the Sundays I have missed. And maybe just being honest and not thinking about what I am writing will help. =) So I found this one and liked how random but serious it was.
1-What is your get away?Picture taking.
2-Name the person and the one thing irritating you about them-Joe and how he is handling things.
3-Favorite type of dog?Rottweiler and German Shepherds.
4-Do you ever take longer in the shower then needed to feel away from the world? YES,lately anyway.
5-What is really bothering you? The fact that I'm not happy and its Fall and its almost my birthday. I should be on cloud 9. *takes breath* That felt good.
6-Do you eat cake at birthday parties? Haha sometimes but not always.
7-How do you answer the phone? Hello with an extra "O".
8-What noises do you hear right now? Laundry machine,dryer and my son attempting to drink from a cup.
9-What about your self would you like to change? Obviously my weight but something lately thats a pain is the fact I can't tell where noises are coming from....
10-What do you want for Christmas? haha I don't celebrate Christmas but my bday is in 3 days and I want to be happy and a tripod. =)
11-What is something you bitch to much about? wow good one,Letting the cats in and out lol.
12-What are your views on the death penalty? I am all for it. I am for cops shooting people that deserve it. I am for self defense. Our Jails are too full..too many bad people are being let out to hurt others because of how our system works.
13-How are you feeling? Okay,Could be better.
14-What is your favorite food grilled? Steak.
15-What is your most least favorite thing to clean?Ceiling,small things,fans and the kitchen in general. But I do it because I hate things dirty or unorganized. =)
16-If you could start your own buissness what would it be?Either something with photography,a restraunt or hehe a Bounty hunter. =)
17-Do you sleep with your door closed?Noooo
18-First three words that come to mind? Failure,family,Soothe
19-What are you going to do today? Clean...Helps me think and clear my mind.
20-Whose music gets you pumped?Pink,Eminem and Timberland.
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