Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tag sale!

As I write this,Joe is outside dealing with 4 costumers. We won't make much off this tag-sale because its really just a end of the year,getting rid of our junk type But we have made over 20 bucks.
So beautiful out. Love October. Did I mention that? hehe
At the end of the day,I guarantee there will be a free box at the end of the driveway,things will not be re-entering my attic. =)
Good mood so far,little snappy this morning but sadly as gangsta looking as Joe is...hes a little high maintenance lol..I just wanted to make tag sale signs on cardboard so it wouldn't bend or anything in the wind...he gave me every excuse in the book on why it wouldn't work and he HAD to spend money on poster-board and time to get the poster-board. Oy! Men!
Kids are down for nap/quiet time. Stefano did excellent last-night. Never got up and went down pretty easily.
I would love..going to be really honest in this next random sentence...I would love to start my Esty store thingy so I could have extra money for Lingerie and under garments. I LOVE feeling girly and sexy. I love knowing that's under my clothes will make a guy melt...well half melt since I am a tad overweight...barely any stretchmarks but I got the belly instead. I only have 4-5 pieces of lingerie...for a person like me...that's not that many. I got to get my act together and start working on the stuff I want to sell. =)
I love writing happy note,positive,none ranting posts! =)
So any-who I gotta make a drs appointment soon,since this rash thingy on my hand is getting worse and now its a pain,can't touch water with it at all because it then hurts,all the little cuts hurt...Then I gotta go make sure some moles are not cancerous.Yay.
Now that I took this long to write..the kids are up and eating lunch. Haha I am slow at these things,I start writing then get up and do stuff.
I organized all the folders in our room that had papers in it that I think we might need. Job well done. Now once the tag sale is done it will be organizing the attic.
Well Off to catch up on Facebook.

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