25 random things about me. What comes to mind I write. Simple.
1. I don't sleep well for being only 22
2.I hate when I have to ask for my stuff back that other people borrowed. That annoys me.
3.Kiwi is my favorite fruit.
4.I was in advanced English in school.
5.I DO NOT own an ipod.
6.I hate doing dishes
7.Pens with red ink are my favorite.
8.I can type without looking at my fingers.
9.17 is my favorite number
10.I hate being married. haha I do,I don't like people going "Aw" when I tell them its annoying how about I just say hes my sex partner? Then will you say "Aw"??? lol Or the minute they see you have kids then they MUST find out if your married because if your not...well that's just not right...*rolls eyes*
11.I have a favorite Aunt!
12.I don't drink soda but I splurge on Dr.Pepper because its well...the BEST!
13.I have about 80 pieces of clothing in the attic that if I got down to weight I could wear!
14.I hate Camping.
15.Deep water just freaks me out.
16.I only wear thongs. WHAT!? it was something that popped in my head!
17.I have only cried at one funeral.
18.I like watching gymnastics. SHOCKER. I know.
19.I almost NEVER eat breakfast food for breakfast....half my weight problem. Its always leftovers it seems.
20.I love psychology.
21.I like to garden even though I am no good at it.
22.I use to love Biking. Betcha didn't know that.
23.I hate when my tv is on and I have company. It has to go off.
24.I love older shows more then I do newer shows.
25.You almost never will see my teeth in a picture. =D
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