Is it wrong to be mad that people could have it all if they opened their eyes and stepped off their high horse..?
I buy name brand products,I have a older vehicle,my kids are not in anything that costs money,I don't go places to save gas,I buy stuff when its on sale,I save plastic bags,I use coupons....And yet I'm still about 500 dollars or more behind on bills. YET. Mr and Mrs.(no one in mind just how I'm thinking right now) have no problem shopping once a week no matter if things are on sale or not,never snipped a coupon in their life,being picky about jobs,not putting money where it really belongs...YET are not behind on bills or complain they are poor...well don't buy chicken breast at 4.99 a lb and you will be alright. Again I'm not thinking of anyone in peculiar but the money thing and people not realizing what they have or could have if they just buckled down and did things the way us poor people have to- they would literally have it all.
I know a few people who are almost too independent. I'm married now I was Miss independent when I was single now I'm married my butt won't be taking out no garbage. If Joe got a job where I had to do everything understandable but right now we do things together,if I needed him in the future to drive my butt to work so he could use the car to pick up the kids later if my job held me for too long or something then I would. Joe knows his part as a dad is not to leave me leading a Miss independent life. Sure I could be the one running around never asking Joe to pick up the kids,drop them off...what ever (down the road,kids don't go anywhere now) but what does that prove? That I don't trust him to get it right? That I don't want to spend time with him? That its okay to do everything myself even if its taking a small toll on me? There's no I in team. And when we hitched that's what we became. A team to fight the smarter then us kids. A team to make sure we make the most money,the most out of time and the most out of life. I know so many people who act almost single when it comes to their kids. Not in a bad way like the dad is an butt but like its my job to pick the kids up so if its a day my job needs me longer I have to take it off...NO you find another way..unless your rich..if they need to be picked up at say 5...hubby -like mine does gets out at 3 and you get out at 6...gee whos gonna pick the kids up? Hubby! Not taking a day off because you think your job should go around your schedule. Again there's no one really in mind for this post its just stuff that I had in my head that I thought I would write about haha.I mean I know a few people who do what I wrote about but not sure I'm angry about it I'm just frustrated. But I know that for us there's other reasons we can't seem to get ahead. So bucking it up and hoping something goes right soon. And that my life does not do a 360 and make me go off the deep end.
Windshield didn't get done because they came when I was not home. Grrr Figure it all out when Joe gets home.
Feels so good to just vent huh?? I love it!