Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rainy rainy day

Its a rainy day in the neighborhood...Rainy days are not good in this house...We are sarcastic wise ass's lol and the kids are bored! Not a good combo!
Example I just asked  Joe while he was in the bathroom..."Is it a long one?" MEANING is lunch a longer taking one to be done...he replies with "Its about 3ins right now...." I just hung my head and had to blame myself for that one LOL.
The rain just brings out my humor I love to have fun anyway but if I cant run around outside and do stuff I get really creative in my head...Joe hasn't even gotten dressed...its just one of those days.  I found myself out in a skirt and flip flops draining puddles in my yard..yea I could have thrown on jeans and sneakers but hey something to laugh about. The cars going by prob thought I was on a crack...or a prostitute...Which Its hard to embarrass me,might get a little shy about something but embarrassed nah. I love being me. Don't be mad at me for not knowing my moods...Its one of those things like when people ask "Are you mad at me?" you say no and they go "You sure" "I know your mad at me" Then your like "Well yea now I am cuz your annoying me!" lol
A fun Sunday. Most the time my weekends are fun. Had a few bad ones and sometimes if its a three day weekend Friday gets ruined. But over all its fun & Funny. Remember I am human too and just because you don't think does not mean I don't and I know what you mean by how you say it. I know what your up to by your body language and if I'm mad at ya you'll know it. Simple. Ask before you assume. =)
Off to eat lunch!

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