Friday, August 13, 2010

Lifes questions!

Today has been a MUCH better day. Diet is going great,got somethings I've been wanted and were making me cranky without me even realizing it lol...People asked me for advice which always is cool. BUT I have a few questions...

How does a child lose so many sippy cups?? They disappear in 3.5 seconds....then magically appear...Its odd people!

Why does a child ask to go out all day long but then when they finally do get outside time they are seen more in the house then outside?? I mean really?

How many times can I possible lose my lighter???? And I SWEAR its never in the last place I put it.

Why do we buy the kids toys for them to touch everything they shouldn't or is not theirs? And have you ever noticed that the minute you tell them its okay they stop being interested in it???

How does a bathroom floor get so dirty? Wait....Might not wanna know.

My kids hate being gated in their room...YET one day they are gonna never leave their room...Why can't a 1 yr old and a 2yr old understand this and stop fighting me on it???

Ah its nice to be back to myself! Sarcastic bitchy giddy regular me! For a few days I just felt people were not realizing what I had to offer and were treating me in away I have almost trained myself not to treat others...after all the cardinal rule is to treat others the way you want to be treated right? OKAY so I don't go by that very often but I have been lately and I kinda felt slapped in the face for a few days.
That and I am VERY competitive....That can stress me out. I compete with people and they don't even know it that's how bad of an addiction to competing I have! Sometimes its just a "Oh I like what you have better" and its not me being competitive but that's suppose to happen among friends and family.
So one more thing before I skip ta loo my darlin out of here. Writing somethings I am thankful for!

Zueda is a pro at handling her teeth just like Stefano was. I have never had to deal with cranky kids when they were teething. Teeth has never been a reason no one slept in this house.

Even though I would love a new camera....My camera is my best friend!

My husband is a thankfully a cuddle bug!

My son is smart enough to help out and hes only 2!

My new computer chair is HEAVEN!

My friends make me smile!

Night! Dinner,Tv,Hubby and I time then who knows what else. ITS FRIDAY!
And although its Friday the 13th...nothing bad has happened...yet....Knock on wood. And if you don't count the drug deal that was right at the end of our driveway lol.

Write tomorrow! Hope you enjoy the pic of the night! Zee zee and I doing yoga together! Taken 2 nights ago.

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