Friday, September 17, 2010

Recipe time

So I tend to make this thing..which has no name and you can make it a thousand different ways.
I just call it Chicken and veggie ranch real ring to it but its yummy!
The picture is no justice.
Its Purdue's(Sorry if that's spelled wrong) cut up grilled chicken mixed with pepper and ranch dressing,I use light because to me its a bit lighter so it goes better with the veggies. Your bottom layer is lettuce,the tomato(diced,but use fresh),then a layer of the chicken mixture,then I have put cucumber or broccoli next,then you can repeat starting with the lettuce again or you can throw in something else but I usually repeat. Now it ends with lettuce,its always  2 veggies then chicken mixture. Some put in-between the layers bacon bits. You might need a trifle bowl unless your creative or don't care lol.
I tend to bring this to small BBQ's or family get together's. Just something simple. But you can re-create this any a bunch of ways. Which is always fun.

Anyway since today is Friday I thought a little fun might be in order,later on I'm just gonna write a blog about what I have thought so quotes from my mind or I have caught myself saying out-loud that made me giggle or question myself after wards. Quote Friday,Lets call it that. haha.

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