Sunday, September 12, 2010

A sunday away

Survey Sunday. A basic one but I wanted to find one that kinda asked questions about my day so that I wouldn't have to write a long blog once I got home. =)

1.What are your plans today? BBQ at my moms with family

2.What is the weather like outside? Sunny,cloudy...sunny...possible showers later.

3.What time did you get up this morning? 6:20ish

4.What was the first thing on your mind? HAHA lets not go there

5.What did you have for breakfast?Nothing yet.

6.What are you wearing? Jeans and fancy top

7.Anything on the news catch your attention? Just the president and what he did for September 11th

8.What was your first beverage this morning? Tea

9.Whats for lunch?BBQ!!!

10.Will it be a busy next few days? Eh not to bad.

11.Are you wearing jewelry? Indeed

12.What is your scent today? Curious by Brittney Spears

13.Do you pile stuff on your printer? I do.

14.When was the last time you wore a band-aid? Today

15.What shoes are you wearing? Pink Stilletos

16.Has anyone called you yet?Nope

17.Will you miss anyone today? Nah

18.Anything bothering you? My nose running...

19.Did you do chores today? Cleaned the kitchen but theres more that needs to be done

20.What do you hear? The news and washing machine.

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